
The Privacy Policy for whoowns app.

Your privacy is super important to us. Whoowns policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across all our websites and software we own and operate. Our products are designed to use the minimum amount of data required to run the service and collect analytics to improve them.

What data is collected.

  • Standard google analytics is enabled
  • Slack workspace ID to know which workspace the bot is installed in.
  • Github repo names, and any data inside CODEOWNERS files and catalog-info is using backstage.
  • Pagerduty service names and escalation policies and names of people on call.
  • Email (on signup)

Our main hosting providers are Heroku and Amazon Web Services, both located within the United States to protect and store your information. They’re updated regularly and follow the latest global security standards in data protection and privacy. Whenever you act with one of our services, your data is protected and encrypted both at rest and in transit and transmitted through secure connections. We may transfer your information to a country other than your location, however we offer EU Model Clauses known as ‘Standard Contractual Clauses’ to meet GDPR requirements for those users to whom these apply.

Sub processors
HerokuCloud service providerUnited States of America
Auth0Authentication serviceUnited States of America
GoogleEmail, File Storage, AnalyticsUnited States of America
StripePayment processingUnited States of America

All sub-processors are certified under the new Privacy Shield 2.0 EU-US Framework or under EU Model Clauses known as ‘Standard Contractual Clauses’ to meet GDPR requirements.

Over time, whoowns may seize the usage of a certain sub-processor or add a sub-processor if we believe that it will enhance our ability to deliver the whoowns service. We will periodically update this page to reflect additions and removals to our list of sub-processors.

How the data that is collected is used.

  • We use your information to provide you with the service you requested; no more, no less. Its not shared with anyone except for analytics purposes. We may collect, hold, use and disclose information for the following purposes and personal information will not be further processed in a manner that is incompatible with these purposes:

to provide you with our platform’s core features; to process any transactional or ongoing payments; to contact and communicate with you; and for internal record keeping and administrative purposes.

How long data is kept

We keep your data indefinitely until new data is synced from any of the integrations youve setup. If you delete your account, we delete all your data.

How an individual can request to access, transfer, or delete their data

please send an email to with the subject line Delete my data and we will delete your data. We will also send you a confirmation email once your data is deleted within 14 days.