the advantages of including a codeowners file for each repository

the advantages of including a codeowners file for each repository

An integral, yet often overlooked feature within github is the GitHub Codeowners file. This file is a powerful tool for defining specific individuals or teams as 'codeowners' for parts of a repository, bringing clarity and efficiency to the code review process and developer flow.

A Codeowners file is a simple text file placed in the GitHub repository. It uses a pattern format to match file paths with GitHub usernames or team names, assigning ownership. When changes to owned files are proposed in a pull request, the designated codeowners are automatically requested for review. This automation ensures that the right people are alerted to changes in code they are knowledgeable about, enhancing the review process's relevance and efficiency.

You can see an example of a codeowner file here:

Advantages of Using a Codeowners file

  1. Automated Review Requests: . This leads to more efficient feedback and accelerates the development cycle.

  2. Enhanced Code Quality: With domain experts reviewing the code, there's a higher chance of maintaining or improving the quality of the codebase. They can identify issues and improvements that others might overlook.

  3. Better Accountability: The Codeowners file clarifies who is responsible for specific parts of the code. This clear delineation of responsibilities aids in tracking changes and ensuring that best practices are followed.

    During re-orgs, when there are changes in team members or team names, the Codeowners file is the first to be updated to reflect these new changes. As a result, it serves as the most current source of truth for your engineering team's organizational and service charts. The 'WhoOwns' app can automatically synchronize with each repository's Codeowners file, allowing you to query this information directly in Slack.

See example here: This is an example image

  1. Increased Security: By having designated experts for sensitive parts of the code, security protocols and standards are more likely to be rigorously upheld. Expecially given that repository owners can add branch protection rules to ensure that changed code is reviewed by the owners of the changed files.

  2. Facilitates Knowledge Sharing: It creates an environment where new team members can easily identify and learn from experts during the code review process.

  3. Conflict Resolution: When conflicts arise in code changes, having designated codeowners involves the right stakeholders in the resolution process, leading to more efficient and effective solutions.

  4. Split ownership in a monorepository If multiple teams are commiting to one repository, a codeowner file can split sections to the owning teams and that certain files needs a teams approval. This has multiple benefits, from both security and code quality reasons.

Best practices for implementing codeowners file

Implementing a Codeowners file should be done thoughtfully. Balance is key; assigning too many areas to a single team can lead to bottlenecks as one team is stuck with a PR review log. Regular updates to the file are also essential to reflect changes in team structure or project focus. It’s important to foster a culture where being a codeowner is seen as a responsibility and an opportunity for contribution, rather than a burden.

Fun facts

  • A CODEOWNERS file uses a pattern that follows most of the same rules used in gitignore files. see githubs own rules here
  • CODEOWNERS files must be under 3 MB in size, you can use wildcards to consolidate entries.
  • Order is important; the last matching pattern takes the most precedence.

Real-world Examples and Case Studies

Many leading tech companies have embraced the Codeowners file to manage their vast codebases.

For instance, by utlising codeowners file; fullstory was able to grow from 6 engineers to a full fledged team


The GitHub Codeowners file is more than just a tool; it's a facilitator of better coding practices, enhanced collaboration, and efficient project management. By embracing this feature, teams can enjoy streamlined review processes, improved code quality, and an overall boost in development efficiency. The Codeowners file, thus, is not just advantageous but essential for modern software development teams aiming for excellence in their work.